Double Strand Breaks

美 [ˈdʌbl strænd breɪks]英 [ˈdʌbl strænd breɪks]
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Double Strand BreaksDouble Strand Breaks
  1. Different techniques are available with different sensitivity to detect DNA damages such as double strand breaks , single strand breaks , delay DNA repair sites and alkali labile sites .


  2. Study on DNA double strand breaks induced by radiation of γ - ray


  3. DNA double strand breaks are important lesions induced by irradiations .


  4. Relationship between the Constitutes of DNA Double Strand Breaks and Scavenging Capacity


  5. DNA single and double strand breaks of peripheral blood lymphocytes in mice induced by γ rays irradiation


  6. Measurement of DNA Double Strand Breaks in Mammalian Cells After Ionizing Radiation by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis


  7. Conclusions : 1 . PFGE is a sensitive method in analyzing fragmentations of DNA double strand breaks .


  8. The reduction of Ku after reperfusion may be the main reason that the DNA double strand breaks cannot be repaired in the ischemic region .


  9. Methods Neutral single-cell gel electrophoresis was used to detect the effects of low dose radiation on DNA double strand breaks of peripheral blood lymphocytes in tumor-bearing mice after radiotherapy .


  10. Moreover , exogenous agents , such as ionizing radiation and some chemicals can result in chromosome translocation and tumorigenesis because of their role on induction of DNA double strand breaks .


  11. DNA double strand breaks ( DSBs ) induced by ion beams of gel electrophoresis experiment has shown positive linear with dose , i.e. , double strand breaks will increase as the dose increased .


  12. It is reported that the gene at fragile site is susceptible to DNA double strand breaks and misrepair , so it could be the target of damage in mismatch repair deficient tumors .


  13. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis has been applied to compare the sensitivity of B16 cells and their DNA molecules in the induction of DNA double strand breaks ( DSB ) by 50 MeV / u 12 C 6 + beam .


  14. Distribution of Fragmentations of Radiation Induced DNA Double - strand Breaks


  15. Dose - rate effects on the induction of DNA double - strand breaks with heavy-ion irradiation


  16. Fragmentation in DNA double - strand breaks
